Monday 18 March 2013

Day 77. Innocent Irene

You would be wise to heed my warning... Innocent Irene... Ain't so innocent. In fact... she's PURE EVIL! She learnt quickly that it was all too easy to get her own way growing up, but why you might ask? Quite simple. Anything she draws, becomes reality. You see that crudely drawn stick figure dragon? Once Irene's pencil is down, it will instantly manifest into a 100 foot tall monster that tears down buildings and breaths fire just because it was Irene's intent. The only downside for Irene is that the monsters she draws retain perfect likeness to the original drawings. Now, although the monsters she drew at that young age weren't particularly frightening and their stick frames could easily be destroyed by the military, be warned, as the years go by her drawing skills will increase, and so too will the strength of her monsters.

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