Saturday 16 March 2013

Day 75. Drillburt

Once upon a time a heavy duty construction worker, named Burt, was minding his own business and was on his break whilst half-heartedly monitoring a large drill that was digging to lay the foundations down for a new building. He was always a very rotund man and he began to suffer from a heart attack mid sandwich. During the attack he ended up falling over the guard rail and landed right on top of the drill! The drill however somehow spun his insides around a little and was able to knock his heart back into a correct beating pattern and he returned to normal... except his legs and a few other major organs were severely damaged and he clung to life by a thread. He was rushed to hospital and the doctors deemed it too dangerous to remove him from the drill. So instead they decided to use it and attach Burt to it permanently. They used it as a giant make shift pacemaker, and so long as Burt kept it spinning, no matter how fast, his heart would keep beating. Also turned him into a nifty crimefighter as you could imagine... what with his never-ending heart beat, large frame and dangerously powerful drill instead of legs.

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