After finding an alien-like chrystal underground, three high school friends become endowed with special powers. These powers however garner great responsibility and they soon find themselves consumed and their dark sides unleashed.
After watching
Chronicle I'm probably going to be attempting to move things
with my mind for a good week or so. So if you see a crazy blonde kid
in the street, his arm outstretched trying to move a car with
willpower alone, feel free to come over and say “Hey man, really
like your blog... good luck with the telekinesis thing”. I may or
may not reply, however, and this should thoroughly reflect how much I
enjoyed this film, and how much you should too. I remember watching
Jumper and wanting to teleport everywhere, but this time round
I had already loved the idea of being telekinetic and I feel that
Chronicle showed what having this kind of power does to three
different American high school stereotypes.
There's the outcast,
Andrew, the popular kid, Steve Montgomery, and then there's the more
neutral character in Matt. There is an issue with this however in
that they tend to focus too heavily on the Andrew character.
Although Dane DeHaan is certainly the most intriguing actor, simply
through his movements and look alone, I didn't like how he was the
most powerful of the three. It's nice to see corruption within the
piece but it would have been better to see a more even battle in the
closing stages of the film. Thankfully the other leads are
charismatic enough, bringing the first half of the film such
jubilance and fun, to stand above their slightly sloppy portrayals
and I hope that this opens up a few doors for them.
The very concept of the
piece is what makes Chronicle so great. That we get to see
these guys doing the exact same stuff we would do with the
realisation of these powers gets you amped up in an unparalleled way.
It makes you want to jump into the film itself and join in with the
fun of exploring these gifts. I suppose its the whole boy hood
fantasy of being a superhero that unleashes your inner child and
keeps you so captivated by what's happening on screen. It's even hard
to feel bad for the victims of these super powers gone awry because,
quite frankly, it's just so cool. With that said it would have been
nice for the director and those behind the film to go a bit deeper,
darker, as it stills feels slightly MTV shallow, probably due to the
found footage cinematography style and the constant need to rely on
the digital camera's to tell the story. We are always with the
characters and so we feel slightly cut off from others, unable to
truly sympathise.
But that's not to take
away from this very refreshing hand held format. The film thankfully
didn't open with a statement claiming to be “Reclaimed footage
after a terrible accident”. It just jumped straight in, using any
camera's in the character's vicinity to drive the story forward and I
think this made a really nice change. A little hard to get used to
but you can appreciate what they are trying to do here as it allows
us to nearly forget about the characters and fall into a state of
comfort as if we are watching a normal film. It may feel a little
messy in places, particularly in the finale, but it was still held
together well. I also feel the most outstanding moments of the film
are interactions between Andrew and his camera as he wheels it around
slowly, calculated through the air, just staring blankly as he
descends into, seemingly, an overwhelming madness. Film making at its
An interesting
experimental piece which cleverly holds its experiment together to
make a decent and coherent film. I couldn't help but feel I wanted
to see a much deeper, traditional film, but this is still the best
outing into the telekinesis genre (which is something I just made up)
since Matilda.
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