Friday 3 May 2013

Day 123. Stone Atlas

The mighty Stone Atlas was a man who dreamt of being a God. He wanted to be held in as high a regard as the titan Atlas. The God's mocked his enthusiasm and tricked him, pretending to endow him with great powers. They caused his body to grow stone skin which could protect him from any weapon, as well as an atlas stone to carry around as a weapon itself. But these came at a price. The stone skin caused his body to distort itself, leaving him deformed and hunched as it slowly consumed him. The giant atlas stone was his life force. If he strayed from it for too long he would begin to whither, and his natural skin would lose all it's colour. This could have turned Stone Atlas into a very resentful and hateful being. But instead he was humbled, and chose to fight the injustice done to him. For as long as his forever broken and heavy body would hold out, and until the day his entire body would be consumed by distorted rock, he would battle the cruel ways of the gods.

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