Friday 5 April 2013

Day 95. Tick Tock

Do you remember an earlier super hero... Daughter Nature? If you don't, ill remind you that she was the daughter of Mother Nature. Mother Nature coexists in the same universe as Father Time and well, Tick Tock is a relative of Father Time. He's the petulant, pain in the backside, troublemaker nephew. The kind of relative you want to smack but can't because they're not actually your kid... yeah, one of them. But rest assured if you were to raise a hand to Tick Tock, that would more than likely open the floodgates to hell. Literally... Hell is his playground... and oh how he loves to play! Obsessed with beat the clock challenges, he'll throw anyone, especially those with a good heart, into his playground of misery and put them to the test. If they can complete his challenge in the allotted time they may leave and if they can't.... well, they will be stuck in Hell forever, becoming the pawn in Tick Tock's next twisted game.

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