Friday 12 April 2013

Day 102. Putty

This grey mass is a most frightful villain, originally nothing more than a large mass of putty. This putty however fell into the wrong hands. A crazy scientist, with an obsession with trying to give life to inanimate objects, wanted to... well.... bring it to life. Unfortunately for him it turned out that science wasn't quite that advanced yet, and so the scientist turned...... to witch craft! During a ferocious storm, using an elaborate electrical set up and an ancient spell book, he amassed the putty into human form. Sure enough it was struck by lightning and through it a soul leapt out of the Spirit World and into the putty. But the life that took control of the putty was a demon, a demon with a shapeless form that could never get the hang of how the human body worked. Jealous of how the humans move so freely, this grey nightmare now wanders the earth twisted and crooked in posture, devouring souls, searching for the answers to his new body.

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