Monday 11 March 2013

Day 70. Veinity

Veinity rose to hero status on a story of sorrow. He was once a handsome man, in fact so handsome he was almost infatuated with himself! Vain to his very core and not afraid to strut his stuff for the ladies. One lady caught his eye in particular and he courted her for many months (but that certainly didn't stop him courting others). One cold, bitter night she was waiting for him outside of a restaurant for a date they he'd promised to attend, but he was off gallivanting with another woman and had completely forgotten about the one person he truly loved. Embarrassed and furious, she left the restaurant and walked home, only to be stopped by a mugger. In her anger she refused to give up her purse and in return she was struck down with a bullet. The woman died that night and Veinity, blaming himself for what happened, fell deep into depression.

At first he would eat and eat and eat, ballooning to an insane weight (Just so we're all aware, for every pound of fat you put on, the body creates an extra 7 miles of blood vessels). As he looked at himself in the mirror he was consumed by self-hatred even more and he shrunk back down to the opposite end of the spectrum and became painfully anorexic. This is the way he stayed, for something happened then that he did not intend. You know those extra veins that his body grew when became shockingly obese, well they remained the same. Veinity was left over with hundreds of miles of veins and in his thin state is able to manipulate them. He can store them inside and command them to come out at will, using them as whips or constrictors. He saw this as the ultimate chance for redemption and chose to use these as means to clear the streets of evil, the same evil that took his beloved from him. He will never stop fighting though, redemption a goal that he is always searching for, but one that he feels he never deserves to attain.

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