Sunday 10 March 2013

Day 69. Ring Mistress

From the picture you should probably be able to tell what this heroines power is... incredible flexibility. This picture doesn't even show her full extent! If she she really wanted to she could wrap herself back and around and under again at least twice more! But she's not one to show off. Unless she has to of course. Raised in a circus she loves to be daring, so daring she will even fight enemies blind folded! She uses her keen sense of hearing to detect them. Eventually she gained the respect of all of her circus troop and quickly rose through the ranks and was awarded the title of Ring Mistress, replacing her father as Ring Master. With an entire circus full of weird and wonderful talents behind her she decided quickly, after a series of attempted robberies of the circus, that the malevolent shall not be allowed to rule anymore! They now travel the world searching, putting on a show or heroism wherever they go.

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