Monday 4 March 2013

Day 63. Hunchback of Motor Gainz

His teachers said he could grow up to be surgeon, "The Greatest Surgeon EVER!" they would say. After he finished his course with flying colours to become one, he instead, due to his love of cars growing up, chose to live life as a car mechanic. His parents, embarrassed by this choice, cut off any ties with him. But he wasn't phased by this as it still meant he could follow his dream. He became the lead mechanic at "Motor Gainz", a garage that also doubled up as a powerlifters gym. One day though, as he was working alone, a car fell on top of his back  and ruptured and dislodged part of his spine as well as his lungs and heart. Luckily for him his nerves were still intact and his great strength allowed him to get free. To survive though he would have to operate on himself immediately! There was no way he would make it to a hospital and so, using a car engine he painfully rebuilt his body. He's now stronger than ever and, always being a nice guy, thought why not use his 500 house power frame and put it to use by fighting crime!

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