Sunday 24 March 2013

Day 83. Goblin Hyde

A warrior from an ancient time. Back when goblins roamed the dark places of the earth, Goblin Hyde was never far behind them. The beasts that struck terror into the hearts of so many would tremble in the wake of the man who wore their fallen brethren as trophies. It did not take long before the magical beasts all but died out, the few that were left went into hiding, choosing to resurface when they felt safe the plague the world again. Generations later the goblin hordes burst forth from the darkness and into a modern world, its current people so reliant on the physical that nothing could prepare them for these nightmaric monsters. But it would appear that these evil creatures had heavily underestimated the patience of their old nemesis, for after hundreds of years of waiting, Goblin Hyde reemerged too! With his trusted skinning knife and sacrificing stone, he made it abundantly clear that his personal war against the goblins... was very much still on! 

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