Tuesday 26 February 2013

Day 57. Bunny-Kiri

For years this bunny was a weapon used by different feuding yakuza crime syndicates. One such syndicate sent out the bunny with a bomb attached to it, disguised as a peace offering. It almost wiped out an entire rival gang but then something happened no yakuza had ever seen before. The bunny came back to life. A resurrecting bunny! That gang returned the favour with the exact same tactic and the bunny exploded again. For hundreds of years this trading of the bunny would go on. But, given that the bunny was immortal it quickly grew in intelligence and was even able to articulate itself and think freely after living on the earth for such a long time. The bunny escaped and set out on a path of justice, choosing to use its powers to take down the yakuza factions which had exploited his gifts so mercilessly.

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