Friday 22 February 2013

Day 53. Above Average Man

This ain't your average joe... this is your slightly above average joe. I'm sure you're currently asking the question... then what makes this guy a hero? Well, it's simple; The term "A jack of all trades, master of none" applies to Above Average Man VERY literally. He is slightly good at everything.. EVERYTHING! In fact his combined above average understanding of all different types of knowledge equate to him having way above average intelligence. This added to his combined above average athleticism, above average thieving skills and, most importantly, above average luck, enabled him to steal a ray gun that can destroy anything that it touches, the only one in existence. This has turned this above average man into a way above average force and he uses this ray gun for good, empathising with the plight of the above average man to share a world with dumbass criminals. 

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